• Has Chrome become as ubiquitous as Internet Explorer?

    Updated: 2011-03-31 14:51:58
    There are lot of people surfing the internet who don’t know what is a web browser. All they recognize is an “e” logo that sits on their desktops, as a window that allows them to do Email, Google, Facebook etc. When Google released Chrome, they tried to address this problem by educating people what web [...]

  • [Looking for sponsor] Poker Flash

    Updated: 2011-03-31 09:47:19
    Well done, respect ^)

  • Create HTML5 Apps in 30 minutes with InstantApps

    Updated: 2011-03-31 07:36:46
    GENWI, a cloud-based provider of DIY instant app creation for publishers, has overhauled its “InstantApps” platform from iSites to allow creation of feature-rich applications with HTML5 video features and interactive content (claimed) in as little as 30 minutes.  Built to be smooth, accessible and simple for even the most amateur developer or least technical small [...]

  • Can I make you logo?

    Updated: 2011-03-31 03:58:06
    How much do you charge?

  • [New Game] Last Card V1.1

    Updated: 2011-03-31 03:31:05
    Hello Everyone, Just finished my first ever AS3 game ["Last Card"][1] Its a card game where you try to get rid of the cards in your hand. Mor…

  • A little demo of my 3d FPS engine

    Updated: 2011-03-30 15:04:13
    Nice to hear that you did it for fun.

  • [new game] Drop and Roll [beta]

    Updated: 2011-03-30 09:45:44
    Hi all, I would like to show my game and I would appreciate your feedback. It's a tetromino puzzle game in 3d space and it's in beta so some th…

  • Readability: The Web Wins, Again

    Updated: 2011-03-30 03:42:05
    For all the hubbub about native mobile apps, sometimes the web is still better. Case in point: the Readability app. Apple’s new in-app subscription rules made it impossible for the new reading service to add a free app to the iOS App Store without giving 30% of their subscription fees to Apple. So, instead, they [...]

  • Looking for Sponsor : Quadly

    Updated: 2011-03-29 20:38:18
    [Quadly on FGL][1] [1]: http://www.flashgamelicense.com/view_game.php?from=dev&game_id=17314 Quadly is a unique bubble style puzzle game. …

  • Tile-based Game Saves

    Updated: 2011-03-29 20:11:44
    Have as many running 0s as you like. ByteArray.compress will turn them into nothing.

  • What can I do?

    Updated: 2011-03-29 19:37:50
    Were you looking for this?

  • HTML5 Video subtitles with WebVTT

    Updated: 2011-03-29 19:29:34
    Once you get over the technology previews and get ready for mass adoption, one of the first questions to address is accessibility. Same applies to HTML5 Video. HTML5 Video has already seen quite an adoption from video sites like YouTube, to news providers and, even porn industry. A simple file format is being developed at [...]

  • Backup Your WordPress Site With VaultPress

    Updated: 2011-03-29 05:39:00
    No matter where you host your website, something could happen that would immediately destroy all of your years of work on your blog. Your server could crash, your hosting service could accidentally delete it, or hackers could add malicious code that would take hours to clean up. Just like you (should) backup your personal computer regularly, [...]

  • AS3 Buttons Question

    Updated: 2011-03-29 00:34:48
    [onReleaseOutside][1]. [1]: http://www.blog.lessrain.com/test3/

  • oCanvas makes HTML5 Canvas drawing easy

    Updated: 2011-03-28 18:49:47
    Using HTML5 Canvas to draw stuff is more akin to C’s drawing libraries of yesteryears. It had all the capabilities, but was always a tedious work dealing in pixels and basic methods like line and arc. Now, oCanvas is the C++ or Visual C++ of HTML5, bring object based drawing to HTML5 Canvas. oCanvas is [...]

  • NewHaze is pretty much ready to go!

    Updated: 2011-03-26 07:17:46
    Originally posted by gio-m You should also make it a little more obverse how to play the games. I've shuffled things around a bit on the ga…

  • Flash Game Friday Winner: Gunbot

    Updated: 2011-03-26 02:31:04
    Hey everyone, This week's Flash Game Friday winner is [Gunbot][1] by [Berzerk Studio][2]! Gunbot is a fun shooter game with a weird storyline...but…

  • iPad 2 vs Xoom HTML5 video comparison

    Updated: 2011-03-25 17:55:23
    Both iPad 2 and Xoom currently lack Flash support, although Flash 10.2 beta is available on Xoom. So both have to rely upon HTML5 for web video consumption, if at all it is made available. Well, YouTube does support HTML5 and hence it has become a parameter for testing the performance of HTML5 video on [...]

  • Bing mobile HTML5 demo video

    Updated: 2011-03-25 17:26:24
    Microsoft is pushing its Bing search hard and this time it is not shying away from following the standards. HTML5 is the next standard and thus far Microsoft has been a laggard in providing support in an ever changing competing environment which is moving more to towards web and mobile day by day, threatening Microsoft’s [...]

  • Launchlist: Get Your Site Ready for Takeoff

    Updated: 2011-03-24 23:00:04
    Envato’s community and member base is made up of a diverse bunch of people: writers, designers, developers, video makers, editors, etc. The majority of us have projects which entail many jobs, normally organized by some sort of to-do list or checklist Launchlist is a solution aimed at website designers and developers who have predetermined goals [...]

  • Google Chrome 11 Beta adds HTML5 speech input capability

    Updated: 2011-03-24 17:56:41
    The beta channel of Chrome has added a new feature to support the HTML5 voice input or speech recognition support in webapps. The immediate application of this is Speech to Text support. Imagine using this with Google Instant search and you can speak and search without having to touch the keyboard. Already plugins have crept [...]

  • Battleship game graphics, Any free reources?

    Updated: 2011-03-24 11:42:22
    [Free game graphics][1] [1]: http://www.freegamegraphics.com

  • Up for bidding [InterGalactic Penguin]

    Updated: 2011-03-24 00:53:19
    My Toss/Launch game InterGalactic Penguin is now available for bidding in fgl. Hope you liked it. Thank you!

  • (Last Call) Starstream

    Updated: 2011-03-23 19:03:26
    Last call for the addicting, mouse controlled arcade game: [Starstream][1]. Looking for non-exclusive, or exclusive sponsorships. [1]: http:…

  • Help i`m totally new in using mochi ads?

    Updated: 2011-03-23 18:45:44
    Originally posted by egdcltd Originally posted by deep191 @egddt yes i do have limited bandwidth and web space that`s why i have embedded…

  • The History of Web Browsers – Browser Evolution [Infographic]

    Updated: 2011-03-23 17:57:29
    Today, the Mozilla foundation released Firefox 4 with a number of new features. The Internet Browser scene has seen a lot of ups and downs and a lot of browser... Read more »

  • iPad 2 in a browser made of HTML5

    Updated: 2011-03-23 16:37:26
    Well, those of you who are yet to take a plunge into the world of iOS and iPad ecosystem, can now do so without have to give any of your hard earned money to Apple. And you can do this right from your browser. Take a look at this iPad 2 simulator made of HTML5/CSS3 [...]

  • Incorporating HTML5 Video in webapps (Video)

    Updated: 2011-03-22 17:41:01
    Microsoft is full out marketing the HTML5 capabilities of IE9. Although, HTML5Test.com give it a very low score compared to the other modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Safari. But, Microsoft has ensured support for the most talked about features of HTML5. One of such features is HTML5 Video. We already have another post on how [...]

  • Need HTML5 Templates? Have a look at HTML5 Boilerplate

    Updated: 2011-03-21 19:02:56
    HTML5 Boilerplate is a HTML/CSS/JS template incorporating the best practices in cross-browser normalization, performance optimizations, even optional features like cross-domain Ajax and Flash. The developers behind the project call it a set of tricks to get you up and running quickly in your quest to develop a cross-browser, yet a future proof website. Some of the [...]

  • Setting up a PHP test server

    Updated: 2011-03-21 04:23:57
    I use wamp, I don't if there are difference between this and xampp, but I know for wamp it's not accessible to anyone else, unless you click the icon …

  • Web Apps: To Host or Not to Host?

    Updated: 2011-03-21 04:07:19
    Should you start your new blog on Posterous, WordPress.com, or on your own hosting account with a self-hosted WordPress install? Should you use Typekit or Google Fonts to add fancy new fonts to your site, or should you get a web font from Font Squirrel and host it on your server? These are the decisions [...]

  • Featured design studio: Teacake Design

    Updated: 2011-03-21 01:43:38
    Teacake Design is an excellent design company from England. They create clean visual identities, brochures, posters,… pretty much everything you [...]

  • High standard game artists required

    Updated: 2011-03-20 15:16:13
    Just wrapped up doing an isometric "Paris" map for a pretty big virtual world game. Also have been developing my own games for a couple years now so I…

  • What is the best mouse for a designer?

    Updated: 2011-03-20 01:50:38
    As a designer, you probably spend a lot of hours hoding on a mouse. It is definitly one of the [...]

  • Create Your Own Status Board With Geckoboard

    Updated: 2011-03-17 02:22:13
    Have you ever wished you had a dashboard as cool as Panic’s Status Board or Cultured Code’s Arrivals board in your office? Whether you work in a startup, small creative firm, Fortune 500 enterprise, or as a freelancer, there are dozens of things about your business that need to be kept up with. Seeing the [...]

  • Convore: Free, Real-Time Forums For Your Groups

    Updated: 2011-03-12 01:21:29
    Today, it’s easy to create a new blog in seconds with WordPress.com, Tumblr, or Posterous. You can start publishing and get your content online quickly, and many software firms today consist of little more than a website and apps in an App Store. But what if you want an easy way to discuss what you’re [...]

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